









5项福建省科技厅重点项目、6项福建省自然科学基金项目等纵向课题以及多项横向课题。在《IEEE Transactions on Multimedia》、

《Pattern Recognition》、《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and

 Systems for Video Technology》、《软件学报》、《计算机研究与发展》、《电子学报》等国内外权威刊物和国际会议上共计发表了80

多篇论文,其中被SCI/EI收录60多篇,申请国家发明专利150项,授权发明专利90多项,拥有软件著作权46项。同时担任《IEEE Transactions 

on Multimedia》、《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》、《计算机学报》、《光学学报》等国内外刊物的审稿



(1)   国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于强化学习与迁移学习的端到端多标签图像自动标注方法研究 (61972097),2020.01 – 2023.12. (主持)

(2)   国家自然科学基金青年项目,噪声环境下基于深度学习的图像自动标注方法研究 (61502105),2016.01 – 2018.12. (主持)

(3)   福建省科技引导性项目,基于内容的图像与视频安全过滤关键技术研究及应用 (2017H0015),2017.04 – 2020.03.(主持)

(4)   福建省自然科学基金面上项目,基于可迁移深度强化学习的多标签图像自动标注方法研究 (2021J01612),2021.11 – 2024.11.(主持)

(5)   国家自然科学联合基金项目,跨网络跨媒体两岸热点事件的智能挖掘与推送 (U21A20472),2022.01 – 2025.12.(主要成员)

(6)   国家重点研发计划,符合三维视觉特性的光场显示评价机制 (2021YFB3600503),2022.01 – 2025.12.(主要成员)

(7)   国家自然科学基金面上项目,与主观感知一致的立体图像和视频视觉质量客观评价与增强研究 (61672158),2017.01 – 2020.12.(主要成员)

(8)   福建省科技重大专项,智能化视频图像分析关键技术研发及示范应用 (2021HZ022007),2021.10 – 2024.10.(主要成员)

(9)   福建省高校产学合作项目,基于深层机器学习的教育大数据精细化分析平台的研制及产业化 (2018H6010),2018.04 –2021.03. (主要成员)


1.        Xiao Ke, Yuhang Cai, Baitao Chen, Hao Liu, Wenzhong Guo. Granularity-aware distillation and structure modeling region proposal network for fine-grained image classification [J]. Pattern Recognition, 137, 2023:109305.(SCI)

2.        Xiao Ke, Ganxiong Zeng, Wenzhong Guo. An Ultra-Fast Automatic License Plate Recognition Approach for Unconstrained Scenarios [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(5), 2023: 5172- 5185. (SCI)

3.        Xiao Ke, Wenzhong Guo, Xu Huang. HPFace: a high speed and accuracy face detector [J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 35(1), 2023: 973–991. (SCI)

4.        Jianping Li , Guozhen Tan, Xiao Ke, Huaiwei Si, Yanfei Peng. Object detection based on knowledge graph network [J]. Applied Intelligence, 2023. (SCI)

5.        柯逍, 缪欣,郭文忠. 基于时空交叉感知的实时动作检测方法[J]. 电子学报, 2023. (EI).

6.        Xiao Ke, Hao Liu, Wenzhong Guo, Baitao Chen, Yuhang Cai, Weibin Chen. Joint Sample Enhancement and Instance-Sensitive Feature Learning for Efficient Person Search [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(11), 2022: 7924-7937. (SCI)

7.        Xiao Ke, Yanyan Huang, Wenzhong Guo. Weakly supervised fine-grained image classification via two-level attention activation model [J]. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 218, 2022: 103408. (SCI)

8.        Xiao Ke, Yuezhou Li, Wenzhong Guo, Yanyan Huang. Learning deep convolutional descriptor aggregation for efficient visual tracking [J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 34, 2022: 3745-3765. (SCI)

9.        Hanyang Lin, Yongzhao Zhan, Shiqin Liu, Xiao Ke, Yuzhong Chen. A deep learning based bank card detection and recognition method in complex scenes [J]. Applied Intelligence, 52, 2022: 15259–15277. (SCI)

10.     Xiao Ke, BingHui Lin, WenZhong Guo. LocalFace: Learning significant local features for deep face recognition [J]. Image and Vision Computing, 123, 2022: 104484. (SCI)

11.     Xiao Ke, Wenyao Chen. Wenzhong Guo. 100+ FPS detector of personal protective equipment for worker safety: A deep learning approach for green edge computing [J]. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 15, 2022: 950-972. (SCI)

12.     Xiao Ke, Yuezhou Li, Yu Ye, Wenzhong Guo. Template Enhancement and Mask Generation for Siamese Tracking [J]. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 28, 2021: 279 - 283. (SCI)

13.     Xiao Ke, Jianping Li. U-FPNDet: A one-shot traffic object detector based on U-shaped feature pyramid module [J]. IET Image Processing, 15(10), 2021: 2146-2156. (SCI)

14.     Xiao Ke, Xinru Lin, Liyun Qin. Lightweight convolutional neural network-based pedestrian detection and re-identification in multiple scenarios [J]. Machine Vision and Applications, 32(2), 2021. (SCI)

15.     Xiao Ke, Yufeng Zhang. Fine-grained Vehicle Type Detection and Recognition Based on Dense Attention Network [J]. Neurocomputing, 2020. (SCI)

16.     Xiao Ke, Tongan Liu, Zhenda Li. Human attribute recognition method based on pose estimation and multiple-feature fusion [J]. Signal Image and Video Processing, 14(7), 2020: 1441-1449. (SCI)

17.     Xiao Ke, Pengqiang Du. Vehicle Logo Recognition with Small Sample Problem in Complex Scene Based on Data Augmentation [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020: 1-10. (SCI)

18.     Xiao Ke, Jiawei Zou, Yuzhen Niu. End-to-End Automatic Image Annotation Based on Deep CNN and Multi-Label Data Augmentation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 21(8), 2019: 2093- 2106. (SCI)

19.     Bohao Chen, Lingfeng Shi, Xiao Ke. A Robust Moving Object Detection in Multi-Scenario Big Data for Video Surveillance [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29(4), 2019: 982 - 995. (SCI)

20.     Yuzhen Niu, Jianer Chen, Xiao Ke*, Junhao Chen. Stereoscopic image saliency detection optimization: A multi-cue-driven approach [J]. IEEE Access, 7, 2019: 19835-19847. (SCI)

21.     Xiao Ke, Lingfeng Shi, Wenzhong Guo, Dewang Chen. Multi-Dimensional Traffic Congestion Detection Based on Fusion of Visual Features and Convolutional Neural Network [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(6), 2019: 2157 - 2170. (SCI)

22.     Xiao Ke, Jianping Li, Wenzhong Guo. Dense Small Face Detection Based On Regional Cascade Multi-scale Method [J]. IET Image Processing, 13(14), 2019: 2796-2804. (SCI)

23.     刘秉瀚,李振达,柯逍*. 基于混合关节肢体模型的深度人体姿态估计方法[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 32(2), 2019: 97-107.

24.     Yuzhen Niu, Dong Huang, Yiqing Shi, Xiao Ke*. Siamese-Network-Based Learning to Rank for No-Reference 2D and 3D Image Quality Assessment [J]. IEEE Access, 7, 2019: 101583 - 101595. (SCI)

25.     Yuzhong Chen, Tengda Huang, Yuzhen Niu, Xiao Ke* and Yangyang Lin. Pose-Guided Spatial Alignment and Key Frame Selection for One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-Identification [J]. IEEE Access, 7, 2019: 78991-79004. (SCI)

26.     Yuzhong Chen, YangYang Lin, YuZhen Niu, Xiao Ke*, TengDa Huang. Pyramid Context Contrast for Semantic Segmentation [J]. IEEE Access, 7(1), 2019: 173679-173693. (SCI)

27.     Yuzhen Niu, Wenqi Lin, Xiao Ke*. CF-based optimisation for saliency detection [J]. IET Computer Vision, 12(4), 2018: 365-376. (SCI)

28.     Dazhen Lin, Lingxiao Li, Donglin Cao, Yanping Lv, Xiao Ke. Multi-Modality Weakly Labeled Sentiment Learning based on Explicit Emotion Signal for Chinese Microblog [J]. Neurocomputing, 272, 2018:258-269. (SCI)

29.     Yuzhen Niu, Yini Zhong, Xiao Ke*, Yiqing Shi. Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Based on both Distortion and Disparity [C]. IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2018.(EI)

30.     Xiao Ke, Mingke Zhou, Yuzhen Niu, Wenzhong Guo. Data equilibrium based automatic image annotation by fusing deep model and semantic propagation [J]. Pattern Recognition, 71, 2017: 60-77. (SCI)

31.     柯逍, 邹嘉伟, 杜明智, 周铭柯. 基于蒙特卡罗数据集均衡与鲁棒性增量极限学习机的图像自动标注[J]. 电子学报, 45 (12), 2017: 2925-2935. (EI)

32.     周铭柯,柯逍*,杜明智. 基于数据均衡的增进式深度自动图像标注[J]. 软件学报, 28(7), 2017: 1862-1880. (EI)

33.     Yuzhen Niu, Wenqi Lin, Xiao Ke*. Fitting-based Optimization forImage Visual Salient Object Detection [J]. IET Computer Vision, 11(2), 2017: 161-172. (SCI)

34.     柯逍, 周铭柯, 牛玉贞. 融合深度特征和语义邻域的自动图像标注[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 30(3), 2017: 193-203.

35.     Bo-Hao Chen, Ling-Feng Shi, Xiao Ke. Low-Rank Representation with Contextual Regularization for Moving Object Detection in Big Surveillance Video Data [C]. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 2017:134-141. (EI)

36.     Xiao Ke, Wenzhong Guo. Multi-scale salient region and relevant visual keywords based model for automatic image annotation [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(20), 2016: 12477-12498. (SCI)

37.     柯逍,杜明智. 多尺度特征融合与极限学习机的玉米种子检测[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 21(1),  2016: 24-38.









